Prevail Over Cancer Coaching

One On One Coaching, Education, Assessments, Customized Cancer Tactics, and YOUR QUESTIONS ANSWERED

I'm here to Answer Your Questions!

I've done the research for you!
I help you learn, heal, conquer, and Prevail Over Cancer!

Cancer Coaching

One on one coaching with Keith provides you with personalized TACTICS on integrating "Press-Pulse" mitochondrial metabolic approaches of 

  • Food
  • Lifestyle
  • Supplements
  • Integrative & Alternative Approaches

In to your treatment or prevention program.

Thriver Coaching Sessions

I assess and help you make custom integrative cancer TACTICS based on your

  • Virtual nutrition physical
    (more on this below)
  • Personal health history
  • Family health history
    (if available)
  • Previous blood tests
  • Previous hormone tests (if available) 
  • Genomic/Genetic influences
    (i.e. 3x4 Genetics test, tumor markers)
  • Current therapy & procedures
  • Future or scheduled therapy & procedures
  • Medications
  • Foods consumed
  • Lifestyle and work
  • Supplements
  • Alternative approaches

Virtual Nutrition Physical

  • Via zoom, video and/or photos, I will look at your fingernails, cuticles, fingers, palms, tongue, hair, skin complexion, and the back of your arms.
  • You will provide the results of your adrenal blood pressure, saliva and urine pH, and iodine paint. 
  • A Zinc Taste test will need to be done with a test from a compounding pharmacy like Flourish or a chewable zinc tablet. 

Thriver Coaching Sessions

Your Custom Coaching Sessions Can Include

  • In office, virtual appointments via zoom, Facetime, and/or phone
  • Email follow ups 
  • Emergency appointments scheduled as needed to update program
  • Written assessments and recommendations

U.S, Based Thriver Coaching Options

I provide several flexible options to help you get answers. Outside the U.S. Arrangements are Located below this section.

15 Minute Session


Get your initial appointment to an answer to your most important question or two about Integrating 




Alternative approaches

Into your treatment, prevention or thriver program. 

Make Arrangements

30 Minute Session


The 15 Minute Session Benefits Plus

In person or video Nutrition Physical to learn if you need to address, acidity, low minerals, poor nutrient absorption, zinc deficiency, and iodine deficiency.

Or get a short assessment of your health history and/or integrating




Alternative approaches

Make Arrangements

45 Minute Session


Few Answers Plus a Little More Time

Get answers to several of your questions.

Assessment and recommendations based on your blood and genetic tests.

Learn what additional tests may be of benefit. 

Assessment and recommendations of Food, Lifestyle, and Supplements based on your treatments, surgeries, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and medications.

Assessment of and recommendations on medication / medication and medication / supplement interactions.

Adjustments as you are going through treatments and surgeries. 

Make Arrangements

One 1-Hour Session


Get answers your most important questions answered about Integrating 




Into your treatment, prevention or thriver program. 

Make Arrangements

Two 1-Hour Sessions


The 1 Hour Session Benefits Plus

In person or video Nutrition Physical to learn if you need to address, acidity, low minerals, poor nutrient absorption, zinc deficiency, and iodine deficiency.

Assessment and recommendations on foods.

Assessment and recommendations on your lifestyle.

Assessment and recommendations on your supplements. 

Make Arrangements

Six 1-Hour Sessions


The 1 and 2 Hour Session Benefits

Get answers to all of your questions.

Assessment and recommendations based on your blood and genetic tests.

Learn what additional tests may be of benefit. 

Assessment and recommendations of Food, Lifestyle, and Supplements based on your treatments, surgeries, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and medications.

Assessment of and recommendations on medication / medication and medication / supplement interactions.

Adjustments as you are going through treatments and surgeries. 

Make Arrangements

Outside the U.S, Based Cancer Coaching Options

I provide several flexible options to help you get answers. U.S. Arrangements are Located above this section.

15 Minute Session


Get an answer to your most important question or two about Integrating 




Alternative approaches

Into your treatment, prevention or thriver program. 

Make Arrangements

30 Minute Session


The 15 Minute Session Benefits Plus

In person or video Nutrition Physical to learn if you need to address, acidity, low minerals, poor nutrient absorption, zinc deficiency, and iodine deficiency.

Or get a short assessment of your health history and/or integrating




Alternative approaches

Make Arrangements

45 Minute Session


Few Answers Plus a Little More Time

Get answers to several of your questions.

Assessment and recommendations based on your blood and genetic tests.

Learn what additional tests may be of benefit. 

Assessment and recommendations of Food, Lifestyle, and Supplements based on your treatments, surgeries, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and medications.

Assessment of and recommendations on medication / medication and medication / supplement interactions.

Adjustments as you are going through treatments and surgeries. 

Make Arrangements

One 1-Hour Session


Get answers your most important questions answered about Integrating 




Into your treatment, prevention or thriver program. 

Make Arrangements

Two 1-Hour Sessions


The 1 Hour Session Benefits Plus

In person or video Nutrition Physical to learn if you need to address, acidity, low minerals, poor nutrient absorption, zinc deficiency, and iodine deficiency.

Assessment and recommendations on foods.

Assessment and recommendations on your lifestyle.

Assessment and recommendations on your supplements. 

Make Arrangements

Six 1-Hour Sessions


The 1 and 2 Hour Session Benefits

Get answers to all of your questions.

Assessment and recommendations based on your blood and genetic tests.

Learn what additional tests may be of benefit. 

Assessment and recommendations of Food, Lifestyle, and Supplements based on your treatments, surgeries, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and medications.

Assessment of and recommendations on medication / medication and medication / supplement interactions.

Adjustments as you are going through treatments and surgeries. 

Make Arrangements

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