7 Steps if Diagnosed with Cancer

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Prevail Over Cancer

Get Your Answers TODAY on Food, Lifestyle, and Supplements for Cancer Challenges.

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Learn how to Change Your Internal Environment TODAY with Instant Downloadable Guides

Each little food, lifestyle, and supplement activity (TACTIC) you do has an impact on the internal environment in your body making it difficult for cancer cells to grow.

Cancer Food Tactic I

Timed Eating for Cancer
FREE Guide
The human body is made for Timed Eating! It provides anti-cancer, physical, and spiritual benefits.

Cancer Food Pyramid Tactics™ 

Download Guide

Cancer Food Tactic II

Food Palm Rule for Cancer
FREE Guide
We don't have to count calories or measure our food. Easy to estimate based on body size.

Cancer Food Pyramid Tactics™

Download Guide

Cancer Food Tactic III

Cancer Fighting Food Guide
Foods to Consume and Avoid
50+ Pages of Learning!
I've researched for you. 
Phase I & II based on stage.

Cancer Food Pyramid Tactics™

Download Guide

90+% Of cancers are impacted by food and lifestyle.

Cancer is a complex disease with a 5–10% hereditary base, but nutrition, lifestyle, and the environment we are exposed to influence 90–95% of cancers.^

^Muthyalaiah YS, Jonnalagadda B, John CM, Arockiasamy S. Impact of Advanced Glycation End products (AGEs) and its receptor (RAGE) on cancer metabolic signaling pathways and its progression. Glycoconj J. 2021;38(6):717-734. doi:10.1007/s10719-021-10031 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10719-021-10031-x

My Mission

My mission is to share medical evidence-based information on how to integrate food, lifestyle, and supplement tactics to those affected by cancer, empowering them to thrive. 
Keith D. Bishop, Clinical Nutritionist
B.Sc. Pharmacy, Author

"In January 2006 I was diagnosed with breast cancer that was HER2+ and ER+ that had metastasized to distant bones. I was 39 years old. My sister-in-law, a stage 1 ovarian cancer survivor from Germany, attended an ovarian cancer support group in Oklahoma City and heard Keith speak. She told me I needed to schedule an appointment with Keith, a nutritionist in Oklahoma. I started working with Keith in 2006. As I changed chemotherapy and medications, Keith updated his recommendations. Now its 02/17/2023 and I am still alive, 17+ years later. and NED (No Evidence of Disease)! Keith was a significant player in my treatment. Since 2006, I’ve recommended Keith to everyone who is dealing with cancer. *****"

Tami V.

"Keith Bishop is very practical. Effective tactics and interesting to learn more to prevail over cancer with accurate information and many videos to explain more. Thank you for helping and advising me. *****"

Jack A.

"Keith Bishop is a caring practitioner with much knowledge about supplements and pharmaceuticals, particularly the Joe Tippens Protocol. I find it essential to have a pharmacist in the loop to double check possible contraindications especially when combining standard of care with alternative. Keith has been that person for me, and I find him a delight to work with. Never in a hurry. Available for follow-up questions. Very fair with his time and fees. I have stage four cervical cancer, but always feel hopeful after speaking with Keith"

New York

Learn how to make easy changes that help you reduce your risk of cancer or recurrence.

Join over 4 thousand as they learn about food, lifestyle, and supplement tactics.

Where do I get my information?

I'm a curator of scientific and medical information.

I base all of my information on evidence based medical research, the Press-Pulse Mitochondrial Metabolic theory of Thomas N. Seyfried, PhD, other successful scientific cancer programs and my clinical experience assisting clients since 1999. 

Download the Research Article by Dr. Seyfried

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